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Plasma-Calibrated Result


STEP 4 Accurate Results in Just 5 Seconds.

Your blood glucose test result will appear after the meter counts down from 5 to 1.

The test results are automatically stored in the meter logbook (memory). You may now:

Use the Arrow button to compare results (see “Additional Feature” which follows); or

Add comments to your result; or

Remove the test strip to turn off the meter.

Note: If “Comment? Press OK” appears at the bottom of the display, your test result is outside the range of 5.0–7.2 mmol/L or a personal glucose range you set (see pages 58–72, Custom Meter Set-up). To add a comment to the test result, see pages 73–77, Your Meter Logbook.

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Additional Feature

After you complete a blood glucose test, you can compare the result with your last test and your average for this time of day by pressing the Arrow button .
