Diabetes Pill Set-up

You may record up to five types of diabetes pills. This feature helps you track when you have taken each of your medications. The names of the medications may be chosen from a menu (Pills A through E) or the brand or generic names entered using a personal computer and OneTouchSoftware*. If you do not customize your pill names, the factory settings of Pill A and Pill B will appear on your pill entry display.

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Using the Arrow button , scroll to “Diabetes Pill Set-up” and press OK OK .

Enter the number of pill types you are taking (not the number of tablets you take each time). Scroll to the correct number and press OK OK . You can enter up to five types of pills. If you do not take pills or do not wish to use this feature, enter 0. If you enter 0, the diabetes pill choices will not appear on the display when you press the medication SmartButton.

*You can download OneTouch™ Software online. See back cover for website address.