
“Settings” include:

Time format

Date format

Beginning of the week

Cholesterol unit of measure

Beep on or off

To change any of these settings, press OK OK with “Settings” highlighted on the Set-up Menu. Each setting has a pop-up menu of available choices.

You must review all five settings and choose one for each. Press OK OK to save them. After setting the last setting, the Beep, press OK OK to save your settings before turning off the meter or allowing it to turn off automatically.


Time Format


Date Format

24 hour

Begin of week


Cholesterol Units




You may set your meter to use a 12- hour am/pm time format or a 24-hour military time format (24:00). Use the Arrow button to view the choices. Highlight your choice and press OK OK .


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You may choose between the Month- Day-Year date format (e.g., July 5, 2002) or the Day-Month-Year format (e.g., 5 July 2002). Highlight your choice and press OK OK .