ConsoleServer 3200 System | Lightwave Communications |
Four baud rates are offered: 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600. Most devices use 9600 as the console/admin port baud rate, so the device port defaults to this value. Check the equipment documentation for the proper baud rate.
The format of the
Each device port may be separately configured as either DCE or DTE. The DCE setting is used when connecting to a DTE device such as a computer. The DTE setting is used when connecting to a DCE device such as a managed switch. The device ports are configured as DCE by default.
The device port flow control setting determines the method of flow control. The two most common settings are XON/XOFF (a.k.a. software) and RTS/CTS (a.k.a. hardware). DTR/DSR is used very infrequently. The default setting for the device ports is XON/XOFF. Check the equipment documentation for the correct flow control setting.
The INHIBIT DIRECT MODE setting allows the administrator to turn off port buffering while a user is connected to the device and is in direct mode. The device port buffer still collects data while not in direct mode when this setting is active. It may be desirable to disable direct mode buffering so sensitive data is not viewable by other users, but alert and panic messages from the attached device are still stored when nobody is connected. This setting is disabled by default, so buffer data is collected both in and out of direct mode.
sys admin>>terminal 1
Enter accepts present value
T1: 0=9600, 1=19200, 2=38400, 3=57600 BAUD RATE: 9600>
T1: 0=1, 1=2 | STOP BITS: 1> |
T1: 0=None, 1=Odd, 2=Even | PARITY: None> |
T1: 0=8, 1=7, 2=6 | DATA BITS: 8> |
Card installed, settings updated |
sys admin>> |
A list of device port names and their corresponding port number may be displayed by using the LISTDEVICES command.
Rev. A | - 64 - | www.lightwavecom.com |