Linn Linn Classic Movie System manual Signal mute level, To adjust the signal mute level

Models: Linn Classic Movie System

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Signal mute level

To adjust the signal mute level:


using the handset -


After pressing SIGNAL, to increase or decrease the signal mute level, repeatedly


press or hold / .


Two minutes after the signal mute level has been adjusted, the display reverts to its


previous display.






Signal mute level is factory-set at 15.

The mute level function allows you to mute the output from the tuner if the strength of a signal is below a set level.


If you set the mute level at 25, then the tuner will mute any received frequency that is below 25.

To display the mute level and signal strength:

using the handset -


MUTE LEVEL and its value appear on the front panel display, followed by the mute level display bar.

The current signal strength appears on the far right of the display. Signal strength ranges from 0 (no signal) to 50 (strongest signal). The figure may fluctuate, reflecting the varying strength of the signal being received.


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Linn Linn Classic Movie System manual Signal mute level, To adjust the signal mute level