Linn Linn Classic Movie System manual Tuner, Tuning functions, AM and FM band selection

Models: Linn Classic Movie System

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This chapter describes how to operate the Classik Movie System’s tuner and explains various features and user functions.

First of all

1. Press on the Classik Movie System’s front panel.

Enter TUNER mode:

2. Press TUNER on the handset. The tuner display appears on the front panel.



Repeatedly press or hold SOURCE + / SOURCE - on the front panel until the display shows LISTEN TUNER / RECORD OFF (if the record function is on, the current record source is shown). After a few seconds the display will change to the tuner display above.

Tuning functions







Ensure the Classik Movie System is in TUNER mode (see First of all on this page).

AM and FM band selection

To toggle between AM and FM:

Press BAND on the handset or TITLE/BAND on the front panel. The selected band is shown on the front panel display.

Frequency selection

To increase or decrease the received frequency:

using the handset -

Press TUNE.

TUNE is shown on the front panel display.

To increase or decrease the frequency, repeatedly press or hold /. or

Enter the frequency using the digit keys. As you enter the frequency it is automatically adjusted to ensure it is valid. To remove an incorrect digit press .


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Linn Linn Classic Movie System manual Tuner, Tuning functions, AM and FM band selection, Frequency selection