Linn Linn Classic Movie System manual User Options, Changing the user options’ settings

Models: Linn Classic Movie System

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User Options

This chapter explains how you can configure certain functions of the Classik Movie System to suit your own requirements.

Changing the user options’ settings


To change the user options’ settings:

using the front panel -

Put unit into standby mode.

Hold until the display shows USER OPTIONS.

Repeatedly press or hold or to select the required user option.

Repeatedly press or hold or to change the setting of the user option.

To restore a user option to its default value:

using the front panel -

Select the required user option.

Press ‘enter’.

To exit user options mode: using the front panel -


The user settings are saved and the unit turns on.


User Options

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Linn Linn Classic Movie System manual User Options, Changing the user options’ settings