4 2Index
"AUGER ON" Light | 25 |
"FAULT" Light | 25 |
"MANUAL AUGER" Button | 25 |
Adjusting the Door Hinge and Latch | 37 |
Adjusting the Fan Speed | 24 |
Alcove Installation Requirements | 12 |
Auto Mode | 23 |
Baffle Installation | 12 |
Before You Begin | 7 |
Check Ashpan, Dispose if necessary | 33 |
Check Firepot for Clinkers | 28 |
CheckforAirLeaksAroundtheDoor,Glass,andAshpan | 37 |
Clean the Baffles | 31 |
Clean the Convection Blower | 37 |
Clean the Exhaust Blower | 36 |
Clean the Glass | 33 |
Clean the Heat Exchange Tubes | 30 |
Clean the Hopper | 30 |
Clean the Vent | 37 |
Clean the Vertical Exhaust Duct | 34 |
Cleaning the Firepot | 28 |
Clearances - Corner Installation | 8 |
Clearances - Straight Installation | 8 |
Daily Maintenance (whenever using the stove) | 27 |
Dimensions | 6 |
Door Opening | 29 |
Door Seal Verification | 12 |
Electrical Specifications | 6 |
EPA Compliance | 6 |
Fault Codes (for qualified service personnel only) | 25 |
Floor Protection Requirements | 7 |
Flyash Removal | 30 |
Fuel | 6 |
Heating Specifications | 6 |
Important Information | 2 |
Inspect the Burn | 27 |
Installation Example: Class A Chimney Retrofit | 16 |
14 | |
InstallationExample:FreestandingMasonryChimney | 19 |
Installation Example: Interior Vertical Installation .... | 15 |
InstallationExample:MasonryFireplaceHearthStove | 17 |
Installation Options | 7 |
Installing the Pellet Vent | 10 |
Introduction | 2 |
Loading Pellets | 21 |
Location of Controls | 20 |
Make Sure Pellets are Not Piling Up | 27 |
Manual Mode | 22 |
Maximum Venting Distance | 9 |
Mobile Home Requirements | 11 |
Normal Operating Sounds | 39 |
Outside Air (used for combustion) | 11 |
Packing List | 7 |
Pellet Vent Termination | 10 |
Pellet Vent Type | 10 |
Planning The Installation | 7 |
Power Outages | 25 |
Replacement Parts | 38 |
Restrictor Adjustment | 12 |
Restrictor Adjustment | 24 |
Safety Label | 40 |
Safety Notice | 20 |
Safety Precautions | 4 |
Starting the Heater for the First Time | 20 |
25 | |
Stove Placement | 7 |
Sweep Ash Into Ashpan | 32 |
The Two Modes of Operation | 21 |
Thermostat Installation | 13 |
Using a Pellet/Corn Mix with This Heater | 26 |
Venting the Pellet Stove | 9 |
Warranty | 41 |
Yearly Maintenance (or every two tons) | 34 |
Travis Industries | 4061016 | 1 0 0 - 0 1 1 8 4 |