The section explains how to get the most out of your Plaza DS•100 receiver.
Thefreesatchannelsbroadcastusingawidescreen 16:9 format, designed for widescreen TVs.
Ifyouhavea squarer4:3television,thewidescreen image cannot be displayed. You use the button to choose how the Plaza DS•100 fits the 16:9 widescreen image onto your 4:3 screen.
Pressing the button will take you through the three options available:
The full widescreen
broadcast picture.
Centre cutout displays only the centre of the widescreen picture on a 4:3 TV. This is the factory setting.
Full frame squeezes the widescreen picture into the screen of a 4:3 TV.
Letterbox shows the whole picture on a 4:3 TV with black bars above and below.
•only the centre of the image is shown (centre cutout);
•the complete widescreen picture is squeezed into the squarer format (full frame); or
•the complete, unaltered image is shown, smaller and with black bars above and below it.
HINT: The button has no effect on the picture if you have set the TV screen size to ‘16:9 widescreen’ in the settings menu (see page 36).