4. Advanced Operations
Configuring Traps
SNMP Trap Command Summary
Command | Description |
Set Trap EM Status | Enables or disables the Environmental Monitor Status trap |
Set Trap THS Status | Enables or disables a temperature/humidity sensor Status trap |
Set Trap THS Temp | Enables or disables a temperature/humidity sensor Temp trap |
Set Trap THS Temphigh | Sets a temperature/humidity sensor Temp trap high limit |
Set Trap THS Templow | Sets a temperature/humidity sensor Temp trap low limit |
Set Trap THS Humid | Enables or disables a temperature/humidity sensor Humid trap |
Set Trap THS Humidhigh | Sets a temperature/humidity sensor Humid trap high limit |
Set Trap Tower Status | Enables or disables the Tower Status trap |
Set Trap Infeed Status | Enables or disables the Infeed Status trap off |
Set Trap Infeed Load | Enables or disables the Infeed Load trap |
Set Trap Infeed HighThresh | Sets the Infeed Load trap high limit |
Set Trap Outlet Change | Enables or disables the Outlet Change trap |
Set Trap Outlet Status | Enables or disables the Outlet Status trap |
Show Traps | Displays trap configurations |
Enabling or Disabling a Status trap
The Set Trap … Status command is used to enable or disable Status traps for a Tower, Infeed, Outlet, Environmental Monitor or Sensor.
To Enable or Disable a Status trap:
At the Switched PDU: prompt, type set trap (tower, infeed, outlet, em or ths) status, followed by the tower, infeed, outlet, Environmental Monitor or sensor name, and on or off. Press Enter, or
Type set trap (tower, infeed, outlet, em or ths) status all, followed by on or off and press Enter.
The following command enables the Status trap for the first tower, using the tower’s absolute name:
Switched PDU: set trap tower status .a on<Enter>
The following command enables the Status trap for the tower named Florida_HQ_1:
Switched PDU: set trap tower status Florida_HQ_1 on<Enter>
NOTE: Enabling lower hierarchical traps automatically enables traps of higher hierarchical value: i.e. enabling an Outlet Status trap automatically enables the Infeed and Tower Status traps for that outlet. Conversely, if a Tower Status trap is disabled, all associated Infeed Status & Load and Outlet Status traps will be disabled.
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