Managing The PC BIOS
IRQ/Event Activity Detect
When you press the "Enter" the following menu will appear:
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
IRQ/Event Activity Detect
PS2KB Wakeup Select | [Hot Key] |
PS2KB Wakeup from S3/S4/S5 | [Disabled] |
X Power Button Lock | [Enabled] |
PS2MS Wakeup from S3/S4/S5 | [Disabled] |
VGA | [OFF] |
HDD & FDD | [ON] |
PCI Master | [OFF] |
PowerOn by PCI Card | [Disabled] |
LAN Resume | [Disabled] |
RTC Alarm Resume | [Disabled] |
X Date (of Month) | 0 |
X Resume Time (hh:mm:ss) | 0 : 0 : 0 |
4IRQs Activity Monitoring | [Press Enter] |
Item Help
Menu Level 4
When you enable this option, any VGA signal will wake up the system.
When this field is “ON” any activity from these devices, or their IRQ’s will wake up the system.
When this field is “ON” any activity from the HDD or the FDD will wake up the system.
4PCI Master
When you enable the PCI Master mode, any activity from one of the listed system peripheral devices wakes up the system.
4Power On by PCI Card
The system can be woken up by the PME# on the PCI card.
4LAN Resume
An input signal from the LAN will wake up the system from a soft off state.
4RTC Alarm Resume
When enabled, you can use the following two fields to select the time and date to wake up the PC system from power saving mode.
4Date (of Month)/Resume Time (hh:mm:ss)
When RTC Alarm Resume is enabled, your can set the date and time at which the RTC
4IRQs Activity Monitoring
The following is a list of IRQ’s, Interrupt ReQuests, which can be exempted much as the COM ports and LPT ports above can. When an I/O
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