Spring adapter water connection
Make sure that the spring adapter for water connection engages correctly when a basket or injector unit is inserted in the machine. It must be 3/16"
^Loosen the lock ring.
^Push up the adapter
Height adjustable top basket
The upper basket can be adjusted
above and below the middle position by 13/16" (2 cm).
Depending on the position of the upper basket and usage of an insert, items of the following height can be accommodated in the baskets:
Example upper basket O 190/1 and lower basket U 874
Upper | Upper | Lower |
basket | basket | basket |
position | height | height |
Upper | max. | max. |
| 7 7/8" | 9 7/16" |
| (20 cm) | (24 cm) |
Middle | max. | max. |
| 8 11/16" | 8 11/16" |
| (22 cm) | (22 cm) |
Lower | max. | max. |
| 9 7/16" | 7 7/8" |
| (24 cm) | (20 cm) |
To adjust the upper basket
^Pull out the top basket, lift from the runners and remove.
^Unscrew the knurled nuts (roller bearings) on both sides of the basket with a suitable wrench, reposition as required.