3Packet Direction: From the drop down box, select either Outgoing or Incoming.
4Packet Protocol: From the drop down box, select from TCP, UDP, ICMP, or All.
5Source and Destination: Enter the IP range and Port ranges (0 to 65535).
6Schedule: This is an optional feature. Click to enable. Select the time for the packet filter to be active.
To update or remove an entry, select it and then click Update or
Remove to perform the action.
Configuring Control Panel Settings
The Control Panel screens enable administrative maintenance for your router, such as changing your User Name/Password, updating your firmware, or backing up your configuration.
The following screens are available in Control Panel:
!Device Security
!Firmware Update
!Configuration Data
!Event Log
Control Panel - Device Security
This screen enables you to change your User ID and password and enables you to manage your router remotely.