Field | Description |
UDP Session Idle | User Datagram Protocol. A method used along |
Time | with the IP to send data in the form of message |
| units (datagram) between network devices |
| over a LAN or WAN. Used primarily for |
| broadcasting messages over a network. The |
| default is 8 hours. |
ICMP Session Idle | The Internet Control Message Protocol is a |
Time | protocol used for error, problem, and |
| informational messages sent between IP hosts |
| and gateways. The default is 5 minutes. |
Networking - Port Trigger
When you run a PC application that accesses the Internet, it typically initiates communications with a computer on the Internet. In some applications, especially gaming, the computer on the Internet also initiates communications with your PC. Because NAT does not normally allow these incoming connections to occur, the BR700 supports port triggering.
The BR700 is configured with port triggering for some common applications. You can also configure additional port triggers if needed. Configuring port triggers for an application requires a Port Trigger entry, explained below.