Phonebook Access
int maxCategoryNameLength = PhoneBookRecord.getMaxCategoryNameLength();
Sample of code for calling of ‘getCurrentCategoryView()’ method:
int categoryView = PhoneBookRecord.getCurrentCategoryView();
Sample of code for calling of ‘setCategoryView()’ method:
int oldCategoryView = PhoneBookRecord.setCategoryView(categoryId);
Sample of code to create object of RecentCallDialed class:
String name = “Name”;
String telNo = “9999999”;
int type = RecentCallRecord.VOICE;
int attribute = RecentCallRecord.CALL_CONNECTED; long time = 10000;
int duration = 3000; boolean show_id = true;
RecentCallDialed dialedRecentCall = new RecentCallDialed(name, telNo, type, attribute, time, duration, show_id);
Sample of code for calling of ‘add()’ method:
String name = “Name”;
String telNo = “9999999”;
int type = RecentCallRecord.VOICE;
int attribute = RecentCallRecord.CALL_CONNECTED; long time = 10000;
int duration = 3000; boolean show_id = true;
RecentCallDialed dialedRecord = new RecentCallDialed(name, telNo, type, attribute, time, duration, show_id);
Sample of code for calling of ‘delete(int index)’ method:
int index = 1;
Sample of code for calling of ‘deleteAll()’ method:
Sample of code for calling of ‘getRecord(int index)’ method:
int index = 1;