•network searching: If you are out of coverage, to
keep your phone from looking for networks, press and hold Power to open the Power key menu, then touch Airplane mode.
•display brightness: Touch Menu > Settings >
Display > Brightness > (dimmer setting).
•display timeout delay: Touch Menu > Settings >
Display > Screen timeout > (shorter setting).
Photos & videos
see it, capture it, share it!
Take & share photos
Take that family photo, and post it online for everyone to see.
Find it: Press and hold Camera
WS 700
New York, New York 10006
United States
Open your last photo.
Tag (location or custom tags)
Mode (photo or video)
Resolution (touch
to change)
Pictures Remaining (at current resolution)
Note: Photos are stored on your microSD memory card. To change picture resolution, in the viewfinder touch Menu > Settings > Picture Resolution.
28Photos & videos