From the main Voice Mail menu, press # to exit Voice Mail. At any time, you may end the call by pressing e.
Playing Messages
When you receive a new Voice Mail message, you can either listen to it immediately or later. Press B under CALL to listen now or press A under EXIT to listen later.
Options available while listening to your messages:
Replay previous six seconds. |
| Press 1 |
Rewind to beginning of message. |
| Press 1 1 |
Pause/continue the current message. |
| Press 2 |
Fast forward 6 seconds. |
| Press 3 |
Fast forward to end of message. |
| Press 3 3 |
Play the date and time stamp. |
| Press 5 5 |
Options available while a message is playing or after it has played: |
| ||
| |
Copy the message to another subscriber. (See | Press 6 |
| |
“Recording, Copying, and Replying to |
| |
Messages” on page 75.) |
| |
Delete the message. | Press 7 |
| |
Reply to a message. | Press 8 |
| |
Save the message. | Press 9 |
| |
Skip to the next message. | Press # |
| |
Saving and Deleting Messages
While a message is playing or after you have finished listening to it, you can save it or delete it. To save a message, press 9. To delete a message, press 7. To have messages automatically saved, see “Automatic Playback” on page 74.