Digital Rights Management (DRM)
When you download multimedia content available
online, such as Java applications, these items may
be subject to DRM restri ctions. DRM, or digital
rights management, is a system that defines how
copyrighted multimedia content can be distributed
and used.
DRM limits items to time-based or count-based
usage settings. Time-based settings let you use
the given item for a specified interval. Examples of
time-based settings include being able to use an
item for a specified number of days from the date
of purchase, a sp ecified number of da ys from the
date that the item is first used, or a specified
number of minutes. Cou nt-based settings let you
use an item for a specified number of times after
you download it or items may be available for
unlimited use.

Managing Items

Note:Depending on how the third-party vendor
has set rights for the given D RM item, you
may be unable to perform some of the
following tasks.

Viewing License Information

You can check a DRM item’s license to view the
following information:
For time-based items, eith er the date and time
the item is scheduled to expire, or the number of
days left
For count-based item s, the number of credits
(uses) left or an unlimited use notice
The name of the item’s vendor
To view the license of a DRM item:
1Go to the location o n your phone that c ontains
the item you want.
2Highlight the DRM item you want to view license
information for.
3Press m.
4Select License Info.

Renewing DRM Licenses

Note:You can only renew DRM licenses if the
license contains a link to the page where
you purchased the item.
1Go to the location o n your phone that c ontains
the item you want.
2Highlight the DRM item you want to renew.