Accessories 5 - 5

Figure 5-4
EDA Battery Charging

Charging the Spare Battery

Figure 5-5
Spare Battery Charging
Battery Charging Indicators
The Single Slot USB/Serial Cradle charges the EDA’s main battery and a spare battery simultaneously.
The EDA’s charge LED indicates the status of the battery charging in the EDA. See Table 1- 2 on page 1-7 for
charging status indications.
The spare battery charging LED on the cradle indicates the status of the spare battery charging in the cradle.
See Table 5-1 for charging status indications.
The st andard battery fully cha rges in appr oximately fo ur ho urs and the exten ded cap acity battery fully char ges
in approximately ei ght hours.
Charge Status LED
Spare Battery
Spare Battery
Charging LED