Glossary - 3

Code 3 of 9 (Code 39). A versatile and widely used alphanumeric bar code symbology with a set of 43 character types,
including all uppercase letters, numerals from 0 to 9 and 7 special characters (“-”, “.”, “/”, “+”, “%”, “$” and space).
The code name is derived from the fact that 3 of 9 elements repr esenting a character are wide, while the remain ing
6 are narrow .
Code 93. An industrial symbology compatible with Code 39 but offering a full character ASCII set and a higher coding
density than Code 39.
Code Length. Number of data characte rs in a ba r cod e bet w ee n the start and stop characters, not including those
Cold Boot. A cold boot restarts the mobile computer and er ases all user stored records and entries.
COM port. Communication port; ports are identified by number, e.g., COM1, COM2.
Continuous Code. A bar code or symbol in which all spaces within the symbol are parts of characters. There are no
intercharac te r ga ps in a cont inu ou s co de . Th e ab se nce of gaps allows for greater information density.
Cradle. A cradle is used for charging the term inal battery and for comm unicating with a host computer, and provid es a
storage place for the terminal when not in use.


Data Communicatio n s Equipment (DCE). A device (such as a modem ) which is designed to attach directly to a DTE
(Data Termin al Equ ipm e nt ) device .
DCE. See Data Communications Equipment.
DCP. See Device Configuration Pack age.
Dead Zone. An area within a scanner's field of view, in which specular reflectio n may prevent a successful decode.
Decode. To recognize a bar code symbology (e.g., UPC/EAN) and then analyze the content of the specific bar code
Decode Algorithm. A decoding scheme that converts pulse widths into data representation of the letters or numbers
encoded within a bar code symbol.
Decryption. Decryption is the decoding and unscrambling of received encrypted data. Also see, Encryption and Key.
Depth of Field. The range between minimum and maximum distances at which a scanner can read a symbol with a
certain minimum element width.
Device Configuration Package. The Symbol Device Configuration Package provides the Product Reference Guide
(PRG), flash partitions, Termi nal Configuration M anager (TCM) an d the associa ted TCM scripts. With this package
hex images that represent flash partitions can be created and downloaded to the mobile computer.
Discrete Code. A bar co de or symbol in which the spaces betwee n characters (inter character gaps) ar e not part of the