2 - 4 MC70 User Guide

Battery Icon

Battery icons appear on the na vigation bar indica ting the battery power leve l. When the main battery or backup
battery power falls below a predetermined level the icon indicates the status and battery dialo g box appears
indicating the status of the main or backup battery.
Figure 2-2
Battery Status Dialog Box
AKU 3.2 and higher, the Battery icon always appears in the navigation bar when the Today screen is visible.
The icon indicates the battery power level.
Figure 2-3
Battery Icon on the Title Bar
Also view the battery status using the Power window.

Connectivity Icon

The Connectivity icon indicates the communication status of the EDA when it is connecting to the internet or
host computer.
NOTE On devices with AKU 1.0, the Battery icon displays on the navigation bar only when the battery power
falls below a predetermined level.
On devices with AKU 3.2 and higher, th e Battery icon always appears on the navigation bar when the
Today screen is visible.