Using Bluetooth 3 - 9
Bonding with Discovered Device(s)
A bond is a relationship created between the EDA and another Bluetooth device in order to exchange
information in a secure manner. Creating a bond involves entering the same PIN on the two devices. After
creating a bond and tur n ing on th e Bl ue to ot h ra dio s, the de vice s re co gn ize the bon d and can exch an ge
information without re-entering a PIN.
To bond with a discovered Bluetooth device:
1. Discover remote devices. See Discovering Bluetooth Device(s) on page 3-7.
2. In the Untrusted Devices folder, tap and hold on a device to pair with.
Figure 3-12
Pairing a Remote Device
3. Select Pair from the pop-up menu. The PIN Code Request window appears.
Figure 3-13
PIN Code Request Window
4. In the PIN Code: text box, enter the PIN number (between 1 and 16 characters) and then tap OK.
5. On the remote device, enter the same PIN number.
6. The devices pair and the device name moves to the Trusted Devices folder.