Using the MC70 2 - 23

Figure 2-20
Imager Aiming Pattern: Bar Code Centered
Figure 2-21
Imager Aiming Pattern: Bar Code Not Centered
Figure 2-22
Pick List Mode with Multiple Bar Codes in Aiming Pattern
4. Release the scan button.

Resetting the EDA

There are two reset functions, warm boot and cold boot. A warm boot restarts the EDA by closing all running
programs. A cold bo ot also restarts the EDA, and also resets the clock. Data saved in flash memory or a
memory card is not lost.
Perform a warm boot first. If the EDA still does not respond, perform a cold boot.

Performing a Warm Boot

Hold down the Power button for approximately five seconds. As soon as the EDA starts to boot release the
Power button.
Linear bar code PDF417 symbol
View Finder
(Aiming Pattern)
Correct Incorrect
NOTE Imager decoding usually occurs instantaneously. The EDA repeats the steps required to take a digital
picture (image) of a poor or difficult bar code as long as the scan button remains pressed.