Getting Started 1 - 13

Turning Off the Bluetooth and WAN Radios

To turn off the Bluetooth and WAN radios:
Tap the Connectivity icon (on non-WAN devices) or the Antenna/Signal icon (on WAN devices)
and select Turn on flight mode
Tap the Bluetooth icon an d se lec t Disable Bluetooth.
To turn on the Bluetooth and WAN radios:
Tap the Connectivity icon (on non-WAN devices) or the Antenna/Signal icon (on WAN devices)
and select Turn off flight mode
Tap the Bluetooth icon an d se lec t Enable Bluetooth.

On Devices with AKU 2.2 or higher

Windows Mobile 5.0 devices with AKU 2.2 or higher in clude Wireless Mana ger , wh ich provides a simple method
of enabling, disabling, and configuring all the device’s wireless capabilities in one place.
To open Wireless Mana ger, tap the Connectivity icon.
Figure 1-12
Opening Wireless Manager
Select Wireless Manager.
NOTE The Flight Mode feature only turns off the WAN and Bluetooth radios. You must turn off the WLAN radio
NOTE To determine the operating system AKU version, see Configurations on page xii.