2 - 10 MC70 User Guide

Green/Red Phone MC7004, MC7094 and MC7095:
Green Phone: press to display the phone keypad window or to dial a phone number
(from the phone keypad window).
Red Phone: press when the phone keypad window displays to stop dialing or end a
Scan (yellow) Activates the scanner/imager in a scan enabled application.
Scroll Up and Down Moves up one item.
Moves left one item when pressed with the Orange key.
Scroll Left and Right Moves down one item.
Moves right one item when pressed with the Orange key.
Menu Accesses the command or menu above it on the screen.
Star Produces an asterisk in default state.
Press and release the blue key, then press the Star key to open the Start menu.
Alphanumeric In default st ate, produces the numeric value on the key.
In Alpha state, produces the lower case alphabetic char acters on the key. Each key
press produces the next alphabetic character in sequence. For example, press and
release the Orange key a nd then press the ‘4’ key once to produce the letter ‘g’; press
and release the Orange key and then press the ‘4’ key three times to produce the letter
Press the SHIFT key in Alph a state to produce the upper case alphab etic characters
on the key. For example, press and release the Orange key, pre ss and release the
SHIFT key , and then press the ‘4’ key once to produce the letter ‘G’; press and release
the Orange key, press and release the SHIFT key and then press the ‘4’ key three
times to produce the letter ‘I’.
SPACE Produces a space.
BACKSPACE Produces a backspace.
Table 2-4
MC70 Numeric Keypad Descriptions (Continued)
Key Description