Motorola WPS870G manual Choosing a Static IP Address, Subnet Mask/Gateway Address Discovery

Models: WPS870G

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User Guide




A dynamically assigned IP address might change, which means you might have to alter the Print Port if you manually set up TCP/IP printing and if you power off and on the WPS870G. The Print Server utility, however, will handle the IP assignment from a DHCP server for you.

The method you choose depends on what you have available and how you want to work with the WPS870G. If you already have a wireless router, then the DHCP/dynamic IP address option is the easiest since it does not require any additional set up time, especially if used in conjunction with the Print Server utility. The Installation Wizard on the CD-ROM supports either method.

Choosing a Static IP Address

The following two sections provide assistance in determining an IP address to use on your network. These instructions are not necessary when using a dynamically assigned IP address.

Subnet Mask/Gateway Address Discovery

If you select static IP assignment, you need to identify your Subnet Mask and Gateway IP address of your wireless network. Use the following procedure:

1Open a command prompt by clicking Start and Run.

2For Windows 98SE and ME, in the Open field, type command and press Enter or OK. For Windows 2000 and XP, type cmd.

Or, navigate using your Start button to Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt.

3In the Command window, type ipconfig. You should see something similar to the following example for your network adapter:

Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix.:

IP Address


Subnet Mask


Default Gateway


4From this window you are able to determine your Subnet Mask and Gateway IP address (circled in blue above). The IP address shown is assigned to your Ethernet adapter, but it does help to indicate what IP address you could assign.


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Motorola WPS870G manual Choosing a Static IP Address, Subnet Mask/Gateway Address Discovery