Motorola WPS870G manual Print Jobs Management, Delete a Printing Port

Models: WPS870G

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User Guide



The Configure Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor window is displayed:

6On the Port Settings tab:

Select LPR

Enter a Queue name (L1 for Port 1 (Parallel), L2 for Port 2 (USB))

Ensure the LPR Byte Counting Enabled setting is selected.

7Click OK to confirm your changes and close this window. Follow the prompts to complete the Wizard. IP printing is now enabled.

Print Jobs Management

Print jobs can be managed like any Windows printer. Open the Printers folder (Start > Settings > Printers) and double-click any printer to see the current print jobs.

If the printer attached to the WPS870G has been changed (for example its driver has been updated), run the Add IPP Port program again and select the correct printer.

Delete a Printing Port

If the WPS870G’s IP address has changed, and you can no longer print, delete the WPS870G’s port and re-install it.

To delete a port, use the Windows Delete Port facility:

1Right-click any printer in the Printers folder and select Properties.

2On the Details or Ports tab (depending on your version or Windows), locate and click Delete Port.


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Motorola WPS870G manual Print Jobs Management, Delete a Printing Port