Motorola WPS870G manual Key Input, Pass-phrase, Key Index, Key 1

Models: WPS870G

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User Guide











Match the type of wireless encryption used by the wireless network.


This security setting encrypts your wireless transmission.


Disabled – No encryption used


WEP 64 – Wired Equivalent Privacy - 64-bit strength (provides 4




WEP 128 – Wired Equivalent Privacy - 128-bit strength (provides


2 Keys)


TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) - changes the temporal


key often (provides 1 Key)


TKIP is recommended for home users.

Key Input

Available if WEP or WPA-PSK encryption is selected. Select the type


used by the wireless network:


Pass Phrase






If the wireless network uses a pass-phrase for WEP or WPA-PSK,


type it here and click Generate Keys. The Key fields are populated


with the equivalent of the pass phrase in WEP.


In WPA-PSK, there is no need to generate keys as the pass-phrase is


shared between the client and the server.


The Pass-phrase must be between 8 and 63 characters. There is no


guarantee that the pass-phrase option will work with non-Motorola



Key Index

Match the Key Index used by the wireless network. The number you


select here determines which field is used below. For example, a Key


Index of 2 corresponds to the Key 2 field.

Key 1 – 4

If you are not using a WEP pass-phrase for your wireless network,


type the network’s security WEP key into the appropriate key field


(determined by what is selected in the Key Index).


Click to save your settings.


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Motorola WPS870G manual Key Input, Pass-phrase, Key Index, Key 1