Chapter 1 - System Overview
The CommPlete 4000 is equipped with factory installed RASExpress, an advanced remote access software that enables network managers to configure and manage remote servers via web browsers, through Telnet over an IP network, and via a GUI manager over both IP and IPX networks. Through an a special software package bundled with the CommPlete 4000, RASExpress can also be interfaced to standard Radius Authentication functionality (which resides on a separate PC). Radius Authentication ensures security against unauthorized server access, and includes an integrated Telnet server and Client.
CommPlete 4000
Single Processor
Data Communications Server
Intelligent Serial Interface Cards
Ethernet Concentrator | SBC |
Print File
Server Server
Figure 1-2. Typical RASExpress Application
Additional noteworthy features include:
•Support for DHCP, a time saving feature that dynamically allocates IP addresses instead of requiring network managers to allocate them manually
•Support of IP and IPX header compression and IP VJC header compression for increased performance
•Call back support for Windows 95 client
•Remote Access Security on a per use basis for accessing IP only, IPX only, or both IP and IPX
•Keyboard or mouse operation
•Standard or
Documentation Set Overview
The CommPlete 4000 documentation includes individual hardware and software manuals available on the CD. Individual titles in your CommPlete 4000 documentation include the following:
•CommPlete 4000 Quick Start Guide
•System Overview and Chassis Manual
•Single Board Computer User Guide
•RASExpress User Guide
•RADIUS Server User Guide
•Serial Card documentation: ISI4608PCI, ISI4608UPCI, ISI5634PCI/8, ISI5634UPCI/8,
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