pacing, 36, 37, 38 enable/disable, 38 ENQ/ACK, 38
Pacing command, 38 parameters, 13, 20, 35
default, 13, 29 parity, 37
PBX phone systems, 17, 49
PBX/CBX disconnect drop time, 30, 49 power, 2, 6
PS9600 power supplies, 9 pulse ratios, setting, 69
Quiet Answer command, 19
Rate Renegotiation command, 36 Read Line Probe Data command, 41 reliable mode, 31, 36
Reliable Mode command, 31
remote configuration escape character, 48 Remote Digital Loopback command, 42 Repeat Last Command command, 35 Reset Modem command, 22
result codes, 13, 22, 23
call progress selection, 23 enable/disable, 22 extended codes, 23
set selection, 23 standard, 72 summary, 71 verbose/terse selection, 23
Result Codes
Result Codes and Call Progress Selection command, 17, 23
Result Codes Enable/Disable command, 22 Retrain command, 36
Retransmit Count command, 33 return character, 47
Return to Command Mode command, 18 Reverse Originate/Answer Mode command, 18 rings
counting, 46
number till answer, 46, 51 square wave detection, 27
controls, 29, 30 RTS signal, 30
interaction with CTS signal, 30
safety, 8
serial port baud rate, 34 service, 60
Set Pulse Dial Ratios command, 69 Setup Password command, 41 smart dialing, 16, 18, 23 specifications, 4
speed conversion, 33, 34
Square Wave Ring Detect command, 27
definition, 46 reading, 52 summary, 73 S0, 46, 51 S1, 46
S2, 46
S3, 47
S4, 47 S5, 13, 47 S6, 16, 23, 47
S7, 12, 19, 47, 51 S8, 18, 48, 51 S9, 48
S10, 48
S11, 48
S13, 48
S17, 49 S24, 30, 49 S25, 49 S30, 49 S32, 49 S34, 50 S36, 50 S37, 50 S43, 50
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