%E, 39 %F, 28 >DT, 25 *H, 26, 51
!(exclamation mark), 18 , (comma), 18, 48
: (colon), 16, 18 ; (semicolon), 18 @, 19
+++AT<CR>, 39 <BREAK>AT<CR>, 39
auto answer, 12, 33, 46, 51 disabling, 46
Auto Speed Detection command, 24
backspace character, 13, 47 Baud Adjust command, 33 baud rate
modem, 34 serial port, 33, 34
escape sequence, 39
busy signal, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 48
Call Card Tone Detect command, 19 Calling Tone command, 27 Canadian Limitations Notice, iv carriage return character, 47 Carrier Detect Control command, 29 carrier, loss of, 48
CBX phone systems, 29, 30, 49 CC9600 chassis, 8, 9
CD signal, 2 control of, 29 disconnect drop time, 49 interaction with DSR signal, 30 LED indicator, 55
response time, 48
Clear to Send Control command, 30 Cleardown at Disconnect command, 25 comma, 48
command buffer, 13, 50 command mode, 12
disabling, 12, 25 command mode control, 25 command string, 12, 19 CompuServe, 63 configuration, remote, 85 Continuous Redial command, 16, 18 CTS signal
control of, 30 disconnect drop time, 49 flow control, 37 interaction with RTS signal, 30
CTS/RTS interaction control, 30
DAA, 2 data bit, 37
data compression and speed conversion, 33 Data Compression command, 31
Data Set Ready Control command, 30
Data Terminal Ready Control command, 29 diagnostic commands, 42
Dial a Stored Number command, 20 Dial command, 12, 16
dial tone, 16
wait time, 23, 47 dialing
a phone number, 16 a stored number, 20 blind dialing, 16, 20, 23 continuous redialing, 16 modifiers, 17
pause time, 18, 48, 51 smart dialing, 16, 23
Dialing Pause command, 18 dimensions of MT3334HD8, 6 disconnecting, 33
after DTR drop, 49 drop time, 29, 30, 49 inactivity timer, 49
Display Line Probe Data command, 42 DSR signal
control of, 30 disconnect drop time, 49 interaction with CD signal, 30
DTE (data terminal equipment), 38 DTMF (dual tone multifrequency)
detection, 25 dialing, 17 frequencies, 69
DTMF Detection command, 25 DTR signal
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