Chapter 5 - RouteFinder Manager
Wireless Settings
Click Wireless Settings in the RouteFinder Manager menu to open the Wireless Settings dialog box. You can enter the ESSID and Channel number for your wireless router. All wireless workstations must use the same ESSID. You may need to try different channels to avoid interference.
Encryption (WEP)
The WEP is a data security measure. The RC4 algorithm encrypts the wireless portion of data transmissions. Select an encryption option from the list: Disabled (default), 40 bits (Must use shared with WEP), or 40 bits (WECA Compliant). When selecting either of the 40 bits options, you can select the Create with Passphrase option, enter the words in the Passphrase box, then click Generate Key. Select a key from the Default Tx Key list. You can also select the Manual Entry option to enter the encryption keys manually.