Chapter 8 - LAN-to-LAN Settings
LAN-to-LAN Settings
Setting up LAN-to-LAN Routing
The majority of settings for
Setting up a Windows machine to share files
If you would like to share files over your network but don’t want to install a Windows NT server, you can enable the file sharing feature of Windows. To set up file sharing:
Note: Each computer that you wish to share files among must be within the same workgroup. Use the Identification tab of the Network Dialog box to define a workgroup name.
1.Select Start Settings Control Panel.
2.Click Network.
3.Click File and Printer Sharing.
4.To enable file sharing, select the I want to be able to give others access to my files check box.
5.If you haven’t already done so, ensure that this computer has a fixed IP address on your local network. Refer to the LAN Client Settings chapter for information on configuring a fixed IP address.
6.After configuring and activating the fixed IP address, using My Computer or Windows Explorer, right click the file or drive on the computer that you would like to share.
7.Select Sharing.
8.Enable sharing by selecting Shared As. Enter the name by which you would like this file or drive to be known on your network.
9.You may now share the files on this computer.
Using the Find Computer command
If your clients are in different subnets or separated by a router, you will not be able to use the Find Computer function within Windows by selecting Start Find Computer.
In the Find Computer dialog box, type the IP address of the computer you would like to find in the Named box. If you choose a computer on a remote network, the network device will attempt to establish a