Chapter 5 - RouteFinder Manager
Remote Connection Authentication Settings
When you select Allow Remote
Use Local Setting
You may create a Remote User Name and Remote Password to log in to the system. All users must type the same user name and password that you specify.
Use Local Client List
The Local Client list is a list of all User Names and Passwords that can access your network from a remote site. When a remote user dials in to the RF802EW, the user’s access profile information (user name, password, callback status, etc.) is validated by checking the user information in this list. The RF802EW can include up to 64 users in the Local Client list. Click Local Client List to add your remote users.
Important: The RF802EW is set up with a default user of guest which requires no password. For security reasons, either delete the user ID guest or provide it with a password.
Client Information
For each new remote user added to the system, enter the following information:
User Name
Specify a user name with a maximum of 16 characters.
Specify the password corresponding to the user name. Passwords are limited to 16 characters.
Password Verification
Verify the password by
Callback Type
The callback feature provides an added level of security to your dial in system. A remote client dials in to the network and then disconnects. The RF802EW then calls the client back. The feature can be implemented using no callback, fixed callback, or variable callback.
No Callback
The RouteFinder does not perform a callback function. This is the default setting.
Fixed Callback
The RouteFinder will connect to the client by dialing the number specified in the Your TelNumber box.
Variable Callback
This option allows the remote client to specify the phone number the RouteFinder should callback each time a dial up connection is established.