Chapter 7 - LAN Client Settings
Adding IPX/SPX (Novell/NT Server Connection)
Windows 95/98:
1.In the Network dialog box, Configuration tab, click Add. The Select Network Component Type dialog box opens.
2.Select Protocol and click Add. The Select Network Protocol dialog box opens.
3.In the Manufacturers list, select Microsoft. In the Network Protocols list, select IPX/SPX- compatible Protocol.
4.Click OK twice to return to, and then close, the Network dialog box.
Windows NT:
Note: NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport is probably already installed, along with NWLink NetBIOS and TCP/IP Protocol. However, if NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport does not appear on the Protocols tab of the Network dialog box, perform the following steps:
1.In the Network dialog box, Protocol tab, click Add. The Select Network Protocol dialog box opens.
2.Select NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport , then click OK to return to the Network dialog box.
3.Click Close to close the Network dialog box and return to the Desktop.