Trailer Safety Precautions
CAUTION - GeneralTrailer Safety
ALWAYS make sure that the trailer is in good operating condi- tion.Checkthetiresforproperinflationandwear.Alsocheckthe wheel lug nuts for proper tightness.
This section is intended to provide the user with trailer service and maintenance information. Remember periodic inspection of the trailer will ensure safe towing of the equipment and will prevent damage to the equipment and personal injury.
It is the purpose of this section to cover the major maintenance components of the trailer.The following trailer components will be discussed in this section:
■Lug Nut Torquing
The following list defines the major trailer components:
1.Fuel Cell – Provides an adequate amount of fuel for the equipment in use.Fuel cells must be empty when transport- ing equipment.
2.Frame Length – This measurement is from the ball hitch to the rear bumper (reflector).
3.FrameWidth – This measurement is from fender to fender.
4.Jack Stand – Trailer support device with maximum pound requirement from the tongue of the trailer.
6.Tires Size – Indicates the diameter of the tire in inches (10, 12, 13, 14, etc. ), and the width in millimeters (175, 185, 205 etc.).The tirediametermustmatchthediameterofthetirerim. This unit employes 7.35 x 14 in. tires.
7.Tires Ply – The tire ply (layers) number is rated in letters:
8.WheelHub– Thewheelhubisconnectedtothetrailer'saxle.
9.TireRim– Tires are mounted on a tire rim. The tire rim must match the size of the tire.
10.Lug Nuts – Used to secure the wheel to the wheel hub. Alwaysuseatorquewrenchtotightendownthelugnuts.See Table5andFigure4forlugnuttightening andsequence.This unit employes 5 lug nuts to secure the wheel to the hub.
11.Axle – This trailer employs a torsion bar type suspension, which can support 3,500 lbs.
12.Electrical– Electricalconnectors(looms)areprovidedwith the trailer so that brake lights and turn signal lights can be connectedtothetowingvehicle.SeeTrailerWiringDiagram for proper wiring connections.