1.A well-planned location of the pump and routing of the hose beforestartingapourmaysavesubsequentmovesthrough- out the job.

2.Beforeconcreteisdischargedintothehopper,itissuggested that 3 to 4 gallons of water be sprayed into the hopper, followedbyapproximately5gallonsofacreamycementand water slurry (1/2 bag of cement to 5 gallons of water).This procedure lubricates the hose and prevents separation and blockages in the hose.


NOTE hose at the start of the pumping cycle can be one of the most critical opera- tionsofthepour.(Manuallyoperatethe throttlewhenstarting,NOTremotely)

WARNING - Hose Blockage Hazard

If hoses or lines are blocked for any reason, or if the lines are kinked when starting up or during the pumping cycle, the pump pressure could straighten out the kink or force out the blockage.This rapid surge of material could cause the lines to whip or move in a manner that could cause injury to personnel.

Inspect the lines at all times to prevent the above conditions

3.It is important that once the slurry procedure is completed, and you have started concrete flowing through the hose, do not stop the pour until all the slurry is pumped out and the concrete has reached the end of the hose.The only time to stop the pump at the start is if a blockage occurs.

4.Whenthepumpisstoppedforanyreasonduringapour;e.g., movinghose,waitingforredi-mixtruck,thefollowingsugges- tions are offered:

A.Leavethehopperfullofconcreteatthetimeofshutdown. Itisimportantnottolettheredi-mixdriverwashtoomuch water into the hopper, as this could cause separation of the concrete in the hopper.

B.If the shutdown period exceeds 2 to 3 minutes, turn off the engine so the vibration does not separate the mix in the hopper which can cause a blockage in the manifold when the pump is started.


C.If it is necessary to wait 10 minutes or more for another load of concrete, it is wise to start the pump and pump 6 or8strokesevery5minutestopreventsettingofthemix inthesystem.Ifwaitingtimeisexcessive,itwouldbewise towashoutthepumpandhosesandstartoverwhenthe new truck arrives.

D.When pumping stiff mixes and there is waiting time between redi-mix trucks, it is advisable to add some water to the last hopper of material and “hand mix” to ensure an easier start with the following load.

E.When the pumping job requires a stiffer mix, the follow- ing method is suggested for starting:Take a water hose withanozzleonitandapplywaterwithafinespraytothe concrete as it comes down the redi-mix chute into the pumphopperaftertheslurryprocedureiscompletedand you are ready to start pumping.

Usingthisprocedurewillmakeiteasiertopumpthrough thecleanhose.Note:Oncetheconcretehasreachedthe end of the hose, do not apply any more water in this manner as this procedure is used on the start only.

F.Hose sizing is very important:We strongly recommend onharshmixes,verticalpushes,stiffconcrete,shotcrete, longpushes,thata2-1/2”linebeusedasfaraspossible. The advantages of using the 2 -1/2” line are improved pumpability,lesspumpingpressureandlesswearonthe pump.

5.Following the pump operation, proper wash out of all mate- rials or “build-up” within the pump manifold and hoses will prevent problems when starting the next job.

6.Athoroughinspectionofthedrivecomponentsandgreasing ofallbearingsaftereachjobwillensureadequatelubrication and service to the pump which is normally operating in wet, grittyconditions.


Over-greasing any bearing on your

Mayco pump will not damage the





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Multiquip C30HDZ manual Operating Suggestions, Bearing