© National Instruments Corporation 2-1 DocumentIt User Guide
Invoking DocumentIt
This chapter tells how to generate documents from SystemBuild, Xmath,
and from the operating system prompt.

How to Generate Design Documentation

Using DocumentIt, you can generate design documentation from:
SystemBuild—generates a real-time file (.rtf) and then extracts
block and SuperBlock documentation fr om a model using the Gener ate
Documentation dialog (the recommended method).
Xmath—generates an .rtf file and then extracts block and
SuperBlock documentation from a model using an Xmath command.
Refer to Appendix A, DocumentIt Options, for the Xmath command
Operating system prompt—lets you extract block and SuperBlock
documentation from a .rtf file, using the autostar command. Refer
to Appendix A, DocumentIt Options, for the operating system
command options.

Generating Documentation From Within SystemBuild

To use DocumentIt while inside SystemBuild, complete the following
1. Select a Top-Level SuperBlock. By default, the name of the
SuperBlock you select is used for both the real-time file (RTF) file
andthe documentation output file.
2. Select Tools»DocumentIt from the Catalog Browser (or press
<Ctrl-D>) to open the Generate Documentation dialog. Refer to the
Windows section or the UNIX section for platform-specific