Chapter 1 Introduction
DocumentIt User Guide 1-2 ni.com
• AppendixB, Generating Documents Using FrameMaker, provides a
description of how to generate a sample design document using
DocumentIt and FrameMaker templates.
• AppendixC, Generating 2167A Documents Using FrameMaker,
provides a description of how to generate a sample design document
conforming closely with DOD-STD-2167A using DocumentIt and
FrameMaker templates.
• AppendixD, Generating 2167A Documents Using Interleaf, provides
a description of how to generate a sample design document
conforming closely with DOD-STD-2167A using DocumentIt and
Interleaf templates.
• AppendixE, Generating Documents Using Microsoft Word, provides
a description of how to use a template to create a general purpose
document in Microsoft Word.
• AppendixF, Generating ASCII Documents, provides a description of
how to generate a sample design document using a DocumentIt
DocumentIt and the Rapid Prototyping ConceptConventional real-time system development usually takes place in stages
with separate tools for control design, software engineering, data
acquisition, testing, and design documentation. The MATRIXx product
family integrates tools for each stage of system development into a single
environment. This allows a design to move easily from one stage to the
next, making it possible to create a well-documented working prototype
early in the design process. Figure1-1 shows DocumentIt in the MATRIXx
product line.
Within the MATRIXx design automation product family, a system model
can be built, simulated, analyzed, tested, and debugged using SystemBuild
and Xmath. Real-time code in a high-level language for the model—C or
Ada—using AutoCode and design documentation can be generated
automatically with DocumentIt. The generated application code can be
evaluated on the host with SystemBuild simulation or run on NI real time
hardware. Finally, the generated application code can be cross-compiled
and linked for implementation on an embedded processor. Documentation
can be updated and automatically generated along each step of the process.