Appendix C Generating 2167A Documents Using FrameMaker
DocumentIt User Guide C-2
Table C-1. FrameMaker 2167A Example Files
Filename Description
fmmil.tpl This template file determines what information will be extracted from the
model to create an ASCII output file. Additionally, fmmil.tpl embeds
FrameMaker MML commands, which define how the document will be
formatted when it is imported into FrameMaker. Finally, the template also
embeds an MML command that calls the include file fmmilinc.mml, which
defines what MML commands FrameMaker should recognize from the
FrameMaker template fmmil.doc.
fmmilinc.mml This include file specifies what MML commands the FrameMaker template
file fmmil.doc should recognize. However, the actual format definitions of
these commands are not specified in this include file; rather, the format
specifications for each MML command are incorporated into fmmil.doc. All
MML commands listed in this include file are given in the next table. The table
also gives a brief description of each MML command as it is defined by
fmmil.doc This is a supplied FrameMaker template into which you must import an ASCII
data file generated by DocumentIt using the Doc umentIt template
fmmilTOC.doc This FrameMaker template receives the table of contents you generate from
fmmil.doc. It is important to consider that FrameMaker normally generates
a TOC file automatically from a document file, but no format is specified. The
purpose of this file is to provide a suitable format for the TOC, rather than
requiring you to develop one.
Table C-2. FrameMaker 2167A MML Commands
Command Description
<Author> Last command on the title page; formats the name of the company
providing the document. Refer to Figure C-2.
<body1> Normal text paragraph format.
<body2> Indented text paragraph which can be used to align with the text in a
numbered list (first level number).
<body3> Indented text paragraph which can be used to align with the text in a
numbered list (second level number).
<bull1> First level bulleted list.