© National Instruments Corporation C-1 DocumentIt User Guide
CGenerating 2167A Documents
Using FrameMaker
This appendix describes how to use the FrameMaker 2167A example. This
includes describing how to:
• Generate documents and encapsulated PostScript files.
• Import encapsulated PostScript files into a generated document
automatically and manually.
• Format table data for FrameMaker.
All FrameMaker 2167A example files are located in:
(UNIX) $CASE/DIT/templates/fmaker/milstd
(Windows) %CASE%\DIT\templates\fmaker\milstd
Using Your Own Templates
If you want to generate documentation using your own templates, you
might want to consider copying the supplied example files and then
modifying them. The purpose of each file is given in TableC-1.
FrameMaker markup language (MML) commands are listed in TableC-2.