© National Instruments Corporation I-3 DocumentIt User Guide
KKnowledgeBase, G-1
Mmanual organization, 1-1
markup commands, Interleaf, D-2
MATRIXx, 1-2, 1-4, 1-11
block diagram, 1-3
DocumentIt, 1-3
document generation process
diagram, 1-5
Microsoft Word, see Word.
mml commands, B-2, C-2
2167A example, C-2
general purpose example, B-2
mml file extension, C-4
building, 1-4
documenting, 1-4
NNational Instruments support and
Ooperating system prompt, 2-7
options, 2-7
output document, F-1
Pprogramming examples (NI resources), G-1
operating system, 2-7
Rrapid prototyping, 1-2
DocumentIt, 1-4
real-time code, 1-2
real-time file, 2-1, 2-7
related publications, 1-11
example document, E-1
Ssoftware (NI resources), G-1
support, technical, G-1
Ttables in documents, FrameMaker, B-9, C-9
technical support, G-1
templates, 1-4
examples, 1-4
keywords, 1-10
use of, 3-1
use with publishing software, 3-1
user-written, B-1, C-1, D-1, E-1, F-2
training and certification (NI resources), G-1
troubleshooting (NI resources), G-1
Uusing templates. See templates.