© National Instruments Corporation F-1 DocumentIt User Guide
FGenerating ASCII Documents
This appendix describes how to use the ASCII document example. All
ASCII document example files are located in:
(UNIX) $CASE/DIT/templates/ascii/general
(Windows) %CASE%\DIT\templates\ascii\general
The files in this directory are:
documentit.tpl This is the supplied default template file
that is used by DocumentIt to generate an
ASCII output file when no other template
file is specified.
Controller_Logic_gen.dat Controller logic model
Note If you want to generate a document from your own model, complete the following
steps given in the example that follows, but use your model for document generation.
To generate the sample ASCII document using DocumentIt, complete the
following steps:
1. Create a directory for the output document (for example, docout).
2. Copy the template files from:
(UNIX) $CASE/DIT/templates/ascii/general
(Windows) %CASE%\DIT\templates\ascii\general
to the document directory.
3. From the Catalog Browser File menu, select Load.
4. Browse through the document directory and double-click to load the
file Controller_Logic_gen.dat.
5. In the Catalog pane of the Catalog Browser, select the top-level
SuperBlock—in this case, Controller_Logic.