Appendix F Generating ASCII Documents
DocumentIt User Guide F-2 ni.com
6. From the Catalog Browser, select Tools»DocumentIt. The Generate
Documentation dialog appears.
7. In the File name field, enter a name for your document—for example,
8. With the Block Parameters combo box, select %Vars from Xmath.
9. In the Template File field, specify documentit.tpl as the template
10. Select the Typecheck checkbox.
11. To generate the ASCII document file, click OK.
You can use the default template documentit.tpl to generate an ASCII
document for any valid model.
To generate documentation using your own templates:
• Copy documentit.tpl file.
• Modify it to your specifications using the TPL programming
information described in the Template Programming Language User
Guide. You can also embed markup language commands to import the
ASCII files into your software publishing application, or print the