Appendix B Generating Documents Using FrameMaker
DocumentIt User Guide B-4
Generating a Sample DocumentTo generate a sample document using DocumentIt and FrameMaker,
complete the following steps:
Note If you want to generate a document from your own model, f ollow the same steps
given in this example, but use your own model for document generation.
1. Create a directory in which you want the output document to reside.
2. Copy all files from:
(UNIX) $CASE/DIT/templates/fmaker/general
(Windows) %CASE%\DIT\templates\fmaker\general
to the document directory.
3. From the Catalog Browser File menu, select Load.
4. Browse through the document directory and double-click to load the
file Controller_Logic_gen.dat.
5. In the Catalog pane of the Catalog Browser, select the top-level
SuperBlock—in this case, Controller_Logic.
6. From the Catalog Browser, select Tools»DocumentIt. The Generate
Documentation dialog appears.
7. In the File Name field, enter Controller_Logic.mml.
Note An ASCII file with MML markup commands must have a file extension of .mml to
be formatted by FrameMaker.
<NOTE+> Indented paragraph that aligns with the text in the NOTE
paragraph. The word NOTE is not included. This is used when
a note has a second paragraph.
<Rev> Revision of the document on the title page. Refer to
<TBLcap> Automatically numbered table caption.
Table B-2. FrameMaker MML Commands (Continued)
Command Description