Base Module

855-900547-200 2-61

(Screen Example … Help Screen)
iSPyz:---> hc
iSP FW version is Rxx.xx.
HC> help
HC command help :
help : print this message.
disp : display current status.
smem : set size of shared memory of a partition.
attach : attach CELLs and IOXs to a partition.
detach : detach CELLs and IOXs from a partition.
swap : swap CELLs in a partition.
add : add a component.
delete : delete a component.
enable : enable a component.
disable : disable a component.
online : make a component online.
offline : make a component offline.
led : turn on/off maintenance LED of a component.
loc : set location info.
clear : clear memory bit error counters.
check : check illegal configuration.
bio : add and set a bio to a pcibay.
scsi_split : set/reset split mode of SCIS on PCIBAY
quit : quit from HC command prompt.

No. Description
(a) If “help” is entered, the HC command help opens.
(b) An HC command list appears.

(Screen Example … ALL Screen)

iSPyz:---> hc
iSP FW version is Rxx.xx.
HC> disp all
(32Way) The CIMB-CELL interleave memory size is only shown for the 32Way(B) model.
When operating in inter-CELL interleave mode, an asterisk “*” appears.
==== Partitioning ==================================== 19:20:23,07/31/2005 ===
part0(RUN ) CELL:01-----7 (01-----2) IOX:0-----67 (0-----12) CIMB: 32GB*
part1(INIT) CELL:--2----- (--5-----) IOX:-1------ (-0------) CIMB:128GB
part2(stop) CELL:---3---- (---4----) IOX:--2----- (--0-----) CIMB:-----
part3(stop) CELL:------6- (------3-) IOX:---3---- (---0----) CIMB:-----
part4(----) CELL:-------- (--------) IOX:-------- (--------) CIMB:-----
part5(----) CELL:-------- (--------) IOX:-------- (--------) CIMB:-----
part6(----) CELL:-------- (--------) IOX:-------- (--------) CIMB:-----