Base Module

855-900547-200 2-78 RS (Cold Reset System)

m b u


* The command is executable to the active partition (after automatic system boot/UP

command execution).


This command causes the system to be cold-reset.

Note that this command could reset the system while the OS (BIOS) is running, notifying

nothing to the software.

Partitions that are already off or those being shut down are not the target of this command.

(Screen Example)

iSPyz:---> rs
CAUTION: System will be resetted without any notice to the softwares even if
they are running.
Enter partition number (0-7/all/CR=exit) : 0
Execute OK? (y/[n]) y
RS command was accepted. All partitions will be reset soon. (c)
mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS 0------- System shutdown started. (SPFW:Rxx.xx)
mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS 0------- System shutdown completed. (SPFW:Rxx.xx)
mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS 0------- System initialization started. (SPFW:Rxx.xx)
mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS 0------- System initialization completed. (SPFW:Rxx.xx)
[iSP0m:INFO.2129] partition 0 : handed off the control to BIOS.
(DIPSW = 00000000)


No. Description
(a) Prompts a partition number.
If “all” is specified, all the existing partitions are the target of this command.
(b) Enter y at this confirmation message if you are sure to continue command
(c) An “RS command accepted” message appears.
The actual processing progresses in the background.
(d) Shows the progress in the background.