Base Module

855-900547-200 2-81

SP default FTP Server Configuration:
Category Configuration Parameter Default Setting
IP address for the default FTP server N/A
Account for the default FTP server (up to 20
[Account is case-sensitive.] N/A
Password for the default FTP server, used in pair
with the account (password is not echoed. Up to 78
characters may be used.)
[Password is case-sensitive.]
FTP Server
Name of the folder to save auto notification
messages (up to 30 characters). Two-byte
characters or space character are not allowed for
the folder name. Characters that are not usable as
folder names on the FTP server are not allowed

SP SNMP Configuration:

Category Configuration Parameter Default Setting
Manager IP
address [0] IP address for SNMP manager.
Up to two managers can be configured. N/A
Manager IP
[ISPF only]
IP address for SNMP manager.
Up to two managers can be configured, and up to
two IP addresses are assignable for each manager.
Two IP addresses, if assigned to a manager, must
have different subnet addresses.
Community names for use on the SNMP.
(Up to 3 community names are usable for TRAP,
information acquisition, and information setting
purposes. Up to 16 characters are usable for a
community name.)
[Community name is case-sensitive.]
Specifies whether message authentication with
higher security using MD5 is to be used with the
SNMP manager. off
Key data for message authentication with higher
security using MD5 used with the SNMP manager
(key data has a 16-byte length).
[Key data is not echoed.]
System ID used for communications with the
SNMP manager (up to 8 characters are usable).
This system ID is also used for ESMPRO and for
collaboration between ESMPRO and VOE (*1).
A system ID must be set in advance to ESMPRO
VOE (*4)
collaboration Specifies whether or not collaboration is made with
VOE (*1), if it exists in the system. no
(*4) VOE represents SystemGlobe GlobalMaster.