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8FIBWFDPNNJUUFEUPCVZDPõFFPGUIFWFSZIJHIFTURVBMJUZHSPXOJOBXBZUIBUJTSFTQFDUGVMPGUIFFOWJSPONFOUBOEGBSNJOHDPNNVOJUJFT Since 2003 we have been working together with the Rainforest Alliance developing our Nespresso AAA Sustainable QualityTM Coffee Program.

8FDIPTFBMVNJOJVNBTUIFNBUFSJBMGPSPVSDBQTVMFTCFDBVTFJUQSPUFDUTUIFDPõFFBOEBSPNBTPGUIFNespresso Grand Cru. Aluminium is also infinitely recyclable, without losing any of its qualities.

NespressoJTDPNNJUUFEUPEFTJHOJOHBOENBLJOHBQQMJBODFTUIBUBSFJOOPWBUJWFIJHIQFSGPSNJOHBOEVTFSGSJFOEMZ Now we are engineering environmental benefits into the design of our new and future machine ranges.

ƗLJdžNJƼǂƼǓƻǑljǃƼNjljǒǃƸǛƾƸƺdžLjǐǖǎǀljNJƾǛLJdžǀǕNJƾNJƸǛǁƸnjǑdždžLJdžǓdžǛǁƸǂǂǀƼLjƺƼǓNJƸǀǃƼNJLjǕLJdžLJdžNjljǑƹƼNJƸǀNJdžLJƼLjǀƹǐǂǂdžDŽǁƸǀNJǀǛǁdžǀDŽǕNJƾNJƼǛNJǏDŽǁƸǂǂǀƼLjƺƾNJǘDŽƗLJǕNJdžljNjDŽƼLjƺƸƽǕǃƸljNJƼ με τον ΜΚΟ Rainforest Alliance για την ανάπτυξη του Προγράμματος μας Διατηρήσιμης Ποιότητας Καφέ Nespresso AAA TM (Nespresso AAA Sustainable QualityTM Coffee Program).

ƛLJǀǂǑDžƸǃƼNJdžƸǂdžNjǃǓDŽǀdžǏǛNjǂǀǁǕljNjljǁƼNjƸljǓƸǛƺǀƸNJǀǛǁǐǎdžNjǂǑǛǃƸǛƼLJƼǀƻǒLJLjdžljNJƸNJƼǖƼǀNJdžDŽǁƸnjǑǁƸǀNJƸƸLjǘǃƸNJƸNJǏDŽƛǁǂƼǁNJǘDŽƦdžǀǁǀǂǀǘDŽǃƸǛNespresso. Επίσης, το αλουμίνιο είναι ένα υλικό που μπορεί να ανακυκλώνεται αενάως, χωρίς να υποβαθμίζεται καθόλου η ποιότητά του.

ƝNespressoƼǓDŽƸǀƸnjdžljǀǏǃǑDŽƾljNJdžDŽljǍƼƻǀƸljǃǕǁƸǀNJƾDŽǁƸNJƸljǁƼNjǒǃƾǍƸDŽǘDŽLJdžNjƻǀƸǁLjǓDŽdžDŽNJƸǀƺǀƸNJƾDŽǁƸǀDŽdžNJdžǃǓƸNJǀǛNjǎƾǂǑǛƼLJǀƻǕljƼǀǛǁƸǀNJƾnjǀǂǀǁǕNJƾNJƸljNJƾǍLjǒljƾƗNjNJǒNJƾljNJǀƺǃǒƼǀljǐƺdžNjǃƼ στοιχεία προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος στον σχεδιασμό των νέων και μελλοντικών σειρών μηχανών.

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Nespresso Delonghi EN266 manual Ecolaboration ECOLABORATION.COM, $0 #03 5*0/ 888 & $0 #03 5*0/  $0

Delonghi EN266 specifications

The Nespresso DeLonghi EN266 is a sophisticated coffee machine that marries cutting-edge technology with sleek design, providing coffee enthusiasts with an exceptional brewing experience. This model is part of the Nespresso Vertuo range, which is renowned for its innovative extraction system, designed to deliver the perfect cup every time.

One of the standout features of the EN266 is its unique Centrifusion technology. This innovation involves spinning the coffee capsule at high speeds, ensuring that water is evenly infused with the coffee grounds. This process results in a rich, aromatic brew with a frothy crema, characteristic of high-quality espresso. The machine's versatility is further highlighted by its ability to brew multiple cup sizes, ranging from a single espresso (40ml) to a large mug (230ml), making it suitable for various preferences.

The EN266 is designed with user convenience in mind. It features an automatic capsule ejection system, which effortlessly discards used capsules, reducing the hassle of cleanup. The water tank has a generous capacity of 1.1 liters, meaning fewer refills and more enjoyment of your favorite coffee. Moreover, the machine heats up quickly, taking only 15-20 seconds to reach the optimal brewing temperature.

Another notable characteristic of the EN266 is its sleek and compact design, allowing it to fit seamlessly into any kitchen space. The intuitive interface, complete with a simple one-button operation, makes it accessible for users of all experience levels. Additionally, it includes programmable buttons, allowing you to customize your brew strength and size according to your liking.

The Nespresso DeLonghi EN266 is also compatible with the extensive range of Nespresso capsules, ensuring a vast selection of coffee flavors and aromas to explore. The machine automatically recognizes the barcode on each capsule, optimizing the brewing parameters for each specific coffee style. This integration of technology not only enhances the quality of the beverages but also simplifies the brewing process.

In terms of maintenance, the EN266 is low-maintenance, featuring a removable drip tray and a rinsing cycle that ensures optimal hygiene. With its combination of innovative technology, user-friendly features, and aesthetically pleasing design, the Nespresso DeLonghi EN266 stands out as an ideal choice for anyone seeking a reliable and enjoyable coffee-making experience at home.