N750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit ADSL Modem Router DGND4000
ReadySHARE Cloud
ReadySHARE Cloud gives you remote access over the Internet to a USB storage device that is connected to your router’s USB port.
To enable ReadySHARE Cloud, log in to the router and select ReadySHARE (see ReadySHARE Cloud on page 129). Follow the instructions to register your router with the ReadySHARE Cloud server.
Use this feature to invite friends and family members to access the shared contents on the USB device.
If your friends and family do not have a ReadySHARE Cloud account, they are invited to create one so they can access the shared contents.
Visit http://readyshare.netgear.com and create an account to make your files and folders accessible at any time, from anywhere.
In addition to remotely sharing anything stored on the USB device connected to your router, you can:
•Control friend and family access to each item stored on the USB device.
•Invite new users to access the shared contents.
USB Storage